Casa's Objects
The objects are to establish and operate an ethnic centre for the following purposes:
- to unite Canadians of Macau origin and promote fellowship and goodwill among its members;
- to preserve and perpetuate the Portuguese tradition as evolved in Macau;
- to sponsor literary, musical and other educational and cultural events, festivals, pageants and conventions for the promotion of people of Macau origin;
- to establish and maintain centres for cultural activities for Canadians of Macau origin;
- to assist newcomers from Macau and Hong Kong to integrate into Canadian society;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.
Our Casa
In the 1950s members of our community from Hong Kong, Macau and Shanghai began their migration to Canada, with many settling in Toronto. In just over a half century, one can now find Macanese families established in communities stretching from the east to west coasts of this great adopted country of ours.
It was a difficult transition for many. We had to adjust to the severe winters, blend in with the very different lifestyle, and even learn the subtle differences in the North American vernacular that was not familiar to us in our land of birth. We were also raising young families and settling into new careers
Although we still got together with our friends from "back home", these occasions were few and far between. Sadly it was mostly at weddings and funerals that the "community" saw each other.
By the 1970s we were more or less settled and the Macanese population increased dramatically with continuing immigration. There was "talk" about getting a club organized, as many other ethnic groups had done. But it took many more years before this materialized, due mostly to the fact that we were so spread out geographically.
Then in the late 1980s, by which time we were well into our careers, raising families, and now citizens of our adopted land, the formation of the Casa actually took place. A small group, no more than two dozen individuals, got together in a Chinese restaurant and passed ideas around. Everyone felt quite caught up with the idea of forming an association and further discussions took place over the next few months.
However, with no funds at all, the going was difficult. We realized that functions would have to be held in restaurants, or we would have to rent halls and other such facilities. But things were taking shape and excitement heightened. It was then decided that membership fees would be $60 per year to help with initial expenses. (Current fees are $36 per calendar year for full and associate members) A Constitution was drawn up and a name for the club had to be decided on.
Finally, in 1990, the association was incorporated and its name was officially registered as Casa de Macau Cultural and Recreational Centre in Ontario. Every year, a Board of Directors is elected to manage and run our Casa. Today, we are firmly established, with a modest clubhouse to call our own. The space that we occupy was obtained through the generosity of Fundação Oriente. Small as our clubhouse is, the premises are well utilized with some 200 days in a year taken up for activities/events including the monthly 1st-Thursday Socials, mahjong, board and parlour games, Tai Chi classes, table tennis, regular Board of Directors and committee meetings, special events such as minchi contest, etc. all of which are open to our members. Larger events or functions, such as Dia de Macau, Christmas parties, Annual General Meetings etc. are usually held outside the clubhouse as fire safety regulations restrict the number of persons on the premises to not more than 50. However, of late, since the number of participants has well exceeded 50 in recent events, our adjoining neighbours, Macao Club (Toronto) have opened up their side of the premises for our Casa's use during overflow events, as previously agreed to by them, Fundação Oriente and our Casa.
Our Casa issues a monthly bulletin which contains reports on past events, details of forthcoming events and other pertinent news and information. The bulletins are emailed or mailed to all members and are also posted on our website. Through our website and the bulletins there is an exchange and sharing of ideas, news and information between our Casa and the greater Macanese community worldwide.